In Balance With: Nicole of Casual Colie

With the holiday season in full swing, we know the importance of finding a skincare routine that’s quick and efficient, but still gives you a gorgeous glow that lasts through shopping, cooking, entertaining, and so much more. We’ve teamed up with Nicole Rodriguez from Casual Colie to share how she used our Holiday Party Prep Kit for a holiday getaway weekend. Keep reading to see Nicole’s thoughts on TULA Skincare and her holiday kit!
Finding skincare products with anti-aging benefits that are also gentle on sensitive skin can be tough. Luckily, TULA products are just that. Not only have they helped prevent signs of aging on my sensitive skin (never too early to start!), the products also contain probiotics, which are just as good for your skin as they are for your digestive health.
When TULA launched their limited edition holiday sets, I immediately shopped the Holiday Party Prep Kit to try out! I'll be using this kit before every special occasion. Just earlier this month, I went on a quick trip to Vegas. It was so convenient to have this kit with me on my vacation, especially since the products are all travel size! See how I prepped my skin during this trip below!
Before the trip
A day or two before the trip, I used the Exfoliating Treatment Mask. I wanted to make sure I was leaving with a glowing complexion. I cleansed my face, then applied a thin layer of the mask. It’s a light blue color with small exfoliating beads, which are still so gentle on my super sensitive skin. It's fascinating how effective yet non-irritating it is! I know that bentonite clay is so great for oily skin types, and I’ve been wanting to add turmeric into my skincare routine after reading about all of its benefits, and this mask contains both of these ingredients! After just about ten minutes, I washed off the mask to soft and smooth skin - I was ready for my trip!
My Trip to Vegas
Once we got to our hotel, I immediately started my evening skincare routine. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy my skincare routine now more than ever. I've always dreaded getting ready for bed, wishing I could just go to sleep. Lately, that's changed for me, especially with this TULA Holiday Party Prep Kit as I know I'm using wonderful products with beneficial ingredients to help my skin stay healthy! I've been reading a ton on which ingredients are best for skincare products and have found that TULA actually contains most of the ones I need at my age.
First, I cleansed my face and then applied the Illuminating Serum, which helps reveal more radiant skin. The texture of the Illuminating Serum glides on easily for an even and smooth application. I waited a minute to make sure it sunk into the skin and then applied the Hydrating Day & Night Cream. This is the last product I use before going to bed. I love how simple this routine is, and how it fits with my minimalist lifestyle. I applied a dime size of this all over my face and on my neck (don’t forget your neck when it comes to moisturizer!). What's nice about the cream is that it's multi-purpose, and I’ve used it as an eye cream as well. Then I was ready for bed - it was late and I was tired!
When I woke up I knew I already had a fresh face from using my routine the night before. So I just applied the same moisturizing products and sunscreen before heading out the door. We went shopping and didn’t stop until the evening! We first went to an outlet mall in Vegas, then went to a mall on the strip. One of my favorite things to do is go shopping and these malls did not disappoint. They were huge compared to the ones we have in Utah!, and I found so many cute clothes!
When we got back to the hotel, I repeated my routine from the previous night. This has been my daily evening routine for a few weeks now and I can't be more pleased with the results. My skin isn't in any way irritated by any of these products, which isn't the case with most skincare products that I try. I'm sometimes left with redness, which makes me look as if I've scrubbed my face too hard. Not with any of these TULA products! I couldn't be happier!
I also tried one of the Dual-Phase Skin Reviving Treatment Pads and it left my skin super soft! It felt like a quick and easy two-minute facial, which was much needed because my skin was suffering from all the travel. Even after we came home, my skin wasn’t left irritated due to the stress of travel - itf was just as healthy and beautiful as before!
This kit is the best because it contains my favorite products in travel-size - perfect for my holiday season traveling! It’s also perfect for when you also have special occasions while you’re away and you can’t bring your full arsenal of treatment products and masks. This already has everything you need. And with the value of this kit (it’s almost 60% off its retail value!), it’s the perfect way to treat yourself to a clean yet effective skincare line. I can’t wait to end 2017 with even more glowing skin than I started it with, all with the TULA Holiday Party Prep Kit!
Items mentioned in the Holiday Party Prep Kit:
2 individually wrapped Dual-Phase Skin Reviving Treatment Pads
Limited edition TULA holiday cosmetic bag
**Contributor’s post has been edited for brevity and tone.