Probiotics - The Daily super supplement
Our Daily Probiotic and Skin Health Complex improves your digestion and boosts your skin’s health, from the inside - out.
Shop NowWhy probiotics?
Developed by gastroenterologist and TULA founder Dr. Roshini Raj, this wonder supplement supports both skin and digestive health, meaning you’ll be feeling great and glowing from the inside out.
Probiotics benefits:

We’ve put in the best and kept out the worst
Our probiotic supplement is created by a gastroenterologist to be clean & effective.

Gluten free



No sodium magnesium stearate

Soy free

Lactose free

No artificial sweeteners

1Probiotics for digestive & skin health
Research shows that supporting your body’s digestive system has an effect on your overall immunity and skin health. Conditions such as acne, collagen breakdown, and sensitivity are in part caused by inflammation. Some studies have shown that probiotics can help calm inflammation and help alleviate these conditions.
We chose the most efficacious, clinically proven strains,which specifically address digestive AND skin health.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG › The #1 clinically studied strain in the world to aid with digestive health. It has been shown to help balance bacteria in the intestine. Studies show that it can have beneficial effects in treating occasional gastrointestinal issues.
Lactobacillus Plantarum › Research shows this strain helps support optimal skin function. It is proven to survive in the intestine for an extended period of time and has been shown to help fight off pathogens in the gut. It has also been shown to improve the gut's balance so that it can better absorb nutrients. In a double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Plantarum improved skin hydration, elasticity and reduced wrinkles.
Bifidobacterium Infantis › Widely studied and clinically shown to help with bloating, help reduce inflammation and provide relief of other IBS symptoms. This strain of probiotics is also known to help lower the pH of the intestine and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
see our research2Ceramides for smoother, firmer skin
Our ceramides are 100% natural and we specifically sourced them from rice (unlike many ceramides on the market which are derived from wheat or animals). When tested in a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, this type of ceramide was shown to improve moisture retention, elasticity, texture and tone of the skin.
see our research3Vitamin C for anti-aging benefits
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which is linked to many anti-aging benefits. In a national clinical study, it was shown to lower the likelihood of skin dryness and wrinkles. This makes it a vital ingredient for anti-aging and skin's overall condition.
see our research
Created by a gastroenterologist
“My life’s passion is probiotics. I have studied probiotics my entire career and have seen the life changing impact they have had on my patients’ wellbeing. It’s my mission to bring the best formulated, clean and effective supplement to women and men. Everyone deserves to feel good and look their best. I know the ingredients in this supplement will help to achieve that.”
Read the studies that informed the development of our formula.
your daily supplement supporting Digestive Health SKIN'S OVERALL CONDITION ENHANCED RADIANCE
*for a little more than $1 a day
You only need one pill per day to see amazing skin benefits! Keep your skin healthy & get TULA supplements delivered to your doorstep with our autodelivery subscription program.
Shop Now Why Subscribe?*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.